The Team has been operational since 2016. By virtue of the Royal Decree of 25 February 2018, the Equal Opportunities Team is an integral part of the Directorate-General for Legislation and Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Federal Public Service Justice and is responsible for:
- the preparation, monitoring and evaluation of federal equal opportunities and non-discrimination policy;
- the development, monitoring and adaptation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to equal opportunities and non-discrimination;
- the preparation, follow-up and representation of federal policy at regional, national, European and international meetings;
- contributing to and coordinating national reports and reports to international bodies on equal opportunities and non-discrimination;
- the creation, coordination and monitoring of projects which are in line with the political objectives pursued;
- the preparation and organisation of information and awareness-raising campaigns, conferences and study days;
- where necessary, the development of networks and the establishment of working groups in order to carry out the above-mentioned tasks;
In addition to the above-mentioned points included in the Royal Decree of 2018, the Team also has the following responsibilities:
- to be the national contact point for hate crimes for the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe;
- serve as the secretariat of the Commission for the Evaluation of Federal Anti-Discrimination Legislation;
- develop strategic initiatives for the Equal Opportunity Strategy Unit such as the Interfederal Action Plan against Discrimination and Violence against LGBTI people, the National Action Plan against Racism, and the Programme for the Decade for People of African Descent;
- maintain close contacts with civil society.