
The strength of the federal equal opportunities policy lies, among other things, in the development of partnerships. Indeed, to carry out its various missions, the Team works closely with partners from different sectors.

Federal Partners

Federal public and programming services

Unia logo
IEFH - L’Institut pour l’égalité des femmes et des hommes

Regions & Communities

Federation Bruxelles Wallonie
Vlaanderen is gelijke kansen
Service public fédéral Sécurité sociale
SPW Action Sociale

Civil society

The Equal Opportunities Team makes every effort to nurture solid partnerships with civil society. This work is key to supporting the government in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of policies. The Equal Opportunities Team is always open to dialogue and tries to follow up on recommendations and criticism where possible.

International partners

FRA - The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

ODIHR - Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights